Monday, November 9, 2009

WBOH Leaves The Air

north Carolina based FBN station WBOH on 5920 has left shortwave for good,ending potential jamming conflicts that may arise from this closing.I got a QSL card from hem recently for verifying the station.
It seems WBOH had it's problems,but was more easily heard in my area than it's sucessor station WTJC.
the website link is
In the uper right,there is only mention of WTJC,not WBOH.
I loved the music on this station very much.But they now have
competition from WRNO on 7505 khz between 01:and 03:00 UTC
Wikipedia has an entry for FBN but NOT WBOH(Unless it's the station that forced FBN to abandon this station using the same callsign!)
WWCR here in TN,has began testing 4 MHz early in the evening instead of staying on 3215 Khz.
See the schedule at
this has been an exciting month so far,but i lost WATE-DT 6-1 in Knoxville."No Signal" and Toll free number come upinstead of the picture and sound from thier Harris Sigma transmitter.
For more information about WATE,visit
WWV was coming in on 10000 khz at around 22:30 UT on Saturday,November 7,2009.
I hope to post pics of my reciever so you know what it looks like.Thanks for reading this entry for Monday,November 9,2009.brainy


Clarence said...

I had a few moments here at work so opened Twitter. Then notice you have a Shortwave Blog. Very nice. Always sad to leart stations are leaving the AIR.

brainman214 said...

Thanks,Clarence.glad you liked it.I hope to post pix from my new mp3 player takes pix as well ss videos with sound! BTW,i have a video on tape of a broadcast of Radio netherlands Media network on the Grundig YB500.If the videoo audio cable wil reach the VCR,i can upload it to youtube for eveyone to watch! brainy

Anonymous said...

hey i found your blog lol but still dont see the other

ron trotto